February 3, 2023

Airborne Diseases: Protect Yourself from Viruses & Bacteria

Airborne diseases

Airborne diseases begin as tiny pathogenic microbes which are discharged when an infected individual sneezes, coughs, or merely speaks. These microbes can stay suspended in air for an extended period of time, to eventually be inhaled by someone else. Upon breathing in airborne bacteria or viruses, these pathogenic organisms began living inside your body. While airborne diseases may be difficult to control, there are simple methods to effectively protect yourself. Let’s list and describe common airborne diseases and what you can do to minimize your risk of being exposed.


Also known as the Varicella-zoster virus, infection from chickenpox leads to painful skin rashes found on the face, scalp, and neck. Since it takes 21 days following exposure for chickenpox to develop, it’s easy to spread this airborne disease to others without even knowing it. Fortunately, chickenpox usually only develops once in the body before lying dormmate for the remainder of your life. Additionally, if you haven’t had chickenpox before, it can be contracted from someone who has shingles.


Affecting 90% of people who inhale this virus, measles is one of the most contagious airborne diseases out there. Living in the mucus of an infected individual’s throat and nose, measles can survive in the air up to 2 hours after being coughed or sneezed into the air. Measle symptoms include coughing, fever, running nose, and itchy eyes, all of which usually show up 1-2 weeks after infection. Following these symptoms, a red rash occurs that will eventually cover infected individuals from head to toe.

Tuberculosis (TB)

About 1.4 billion people worldwide have Tuberculosis, although most infected people aren’t sick from the airborne disease. Although, individuals with a weakened immune system pose the greatest risk of developing symptoms, which can sometimes take years to show. Depending on where the bacteria have settled in your body, common Tuberculosis symptoms include chest pain, coughing up blood or phlegm, fatigue, a long-lasting cough, a fever, night sweats, and a loss of appetite.


There are many types of flu strains that exist, Including Influenzas A, B, C, & D. Any type of these virus strains has the potential to create an epidemic, although Influenza remains a common illness. This disease infects the nose, throat, and lungs, and can even potentially cause severe life-threatening illnesses in people.


Fortunately, due to the vaccination, mumps rates have dramatically declined in recent years. Although, when someone’s infected with mumps, it can be a highly contagious airborne disease. This virus’s symptoms usually starts as a fever that leads to muscle aches, loss of appetite, headaches, and fatigue.

Airborne Disease Prevention

Airborne diseases pass from an infected individual to another when pathogenic particles enter into the air. Fortunately, there are some efficient tactics to avoid infection:

  • Check with your doctor to make sure you are up-to-date on vaccinations.
  • Regularly wash your hands.
  • Avoid being physically close to people who are showing illness symptoms.
  • Use high quality PPE, including a mask or O2 Nose Filters, to protect yourself from breathing in harmful airborne diseases.

O2 Nose Filters provides inexpensive and effective security to protect people from harmful airborne diseases. While our nasal passageways try their best when it comes to filtering harmful particulate matter, they aren’t perfect. That’s why O2 Nose Filters are such an effective solution when it comes to improving our mental and physical health. Nose filters are a discreet, effective option to protect against airborne viruses and bacteria. The O2 Nose Filter uses 3M’s patented AEM™ electrostatic technology to capture allergens, viruses, and other particulates, making them a valuable tool for anyone who wants to drastically limit the pollutants and pollens they breathe in daily.


Click here for a FREE (+S&H) sample pack to see which size works best for you!

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