

Contaminated Air on Airplanes, Buses and Trains

We all know the feeling when we hop on the bus or get settled into our seat on a flight…
…And then you hear someone sneeze!
Travel with O2 Nose Filters
Contaminated Air in Public Transportation

Did You Know?

Viruses can enter the respiratory tract in the form of aerosolized droplets when an infected individual coughs or sneezes. The good news is, you can protect yourself – with O2 Nose Filters!

Electrostatic Technology Meets Comfortable Design

The electrostatic technology in O2 Nose Filters traps these pathogens and keeps them from entering your body. Washing your hands routinely, keeping your lips sealed, and breathing through your nose while wearing O2 Nose Filters can help keep you healthy while traveling on buses, trains, subways, and more!

The Commuter Cold and Particulate Matter

If you frequently take the subway to work, you’re probably well aware of some of the disadvantages to public transportation like the “commuter cold.” The effects of germs spread through public transit generally pass within the week, but are you aware of the long-lasting impact of train pollution?

According to the Journal of Aerosol Science, the typical commuter spends 3% of their day inside the subway system, but that accounts for 47% of their daily exposure to particulate matter.

Air Quality Around the World

Travel has become an integral part of life for most people. With cheaper flights, far off places becoming more accessible, and the internet inspiring us with ‘bucket list’ visits, there has been a significant upswing in the number of people packing their bag and taking off.

While exploring new places is an adventure, one thing to consider is how the air quality in these other countries could be affecting your health.

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