For someone who suffers from pet allergies, the decision to not own a cat or dog sounds like a pretty simple solution…right? Not necessarily. An estimated 62% of U.S. households have a pet and up to 30% of Americans are negatively affected by pet allergies.
Animal allergens collect in clothing, in carpet, on walls, between couch cushions, and basically anywhere that a pet has been — so for someone who suffers from pet allergies, the mere act of leaving the house makes them vulnerable to bringing a slew of pet allergens back into their home.
The symptoms of pet allergies can range from mild to severe and usually appear within 30-minutes of being exposed to the allergens. Some symptoms one might experience include:
- Swelling and itching of the nose or eyes.
- Rash on the chest, neck, or face.
- Sneezing or stuffed nose.
- Coughing or shortness of breath.
- A severe asthma attack.
People at risk of asthma attacks may require immediate medical treatment or emergency care if they began to experience wheezing or shortness of breath.
Causes of Pet Allergens
Allergies occur when your immune system reacts to foreign substances such as mold, pollen, or pet dander enter the body. Your immune system reacts to this by producing proteins that are known as antibodies, causing allergy symptoms.
Allergens from dogs and cats are found in their saliva, sweat, urine, and in the skin cells that they will eventually shed. Pet dander is an incredibly small particle that can stay airborne for long periods of time, these particles also stick to clothes easily. Additionally, pet saliva sticks to clothing, bedding, carpets, and furniture.
Given how easily pet allergens transfer and stick to surfaces, it makes it very difficult for pet allergy sufferers to stay away from these allergens even if they don’t own a pet themselves. Moreover, while hypoallergenic dogs and cats may shed less fur overall, there’s no breed that is truly hypoallergenic.
If you’re a pet allergy sufferer and own a pet, there are a few tips to help alleviate some of your symptoms:
- Wash and groom your pet’s fur on a regular basis. Use pet-safe shampoo and conditioner to ensure that your pet’s dander washes away.
- Clean your home frequently and use air filters to limit the amount of pet allergens in the air.
- Don’t allow your pets on furniture or in the bedrooms.
- Change your clothes after prolonged exposure to animals.
While it is true that all of these solutions will cause inconveniences in your life, O2 Nose Filters provides a simple and convenient solution to pet allergy sufferers. Pet dander is between 1-9 microns in size, which means O2’s filtration efficiency is between 45-90% effective!
Whether you’re indoors or outdoors, O2 Nose Filters are a great way to prevent you from inhaling pet allergen particles. Available in Extra-Small, Small, Medium, and Large, our lightweight filters will contour the inside of your nose and are great to wear for up to 12 hours.
Click here for a FREE (+S&H) sample pack to see which size works best for you!